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  • 发布日期:2010-06-28 15:02:31
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我公司是中国最专业的有机无机肥制造商之一。公司同时拥有喷浆造粒、滚筒造粒、圆盘造粒等多条复合肥生产线,年产颗粒复合肥15万吨,新型缓控释硫基涂膜尿素10万吨,配方肥80万吨,是中原地区最大的复合肥生产企业之一,更是全国最大的复合肥专业代加工企业之一。长期生产各种优质绿色生态环保控释复合肥,可根据农资经销商\外贸进出口公司\复合肥厂的同行\外国客户\专业合作社\大型农场\等各类客户的要求设计并定制生产各类有机肥料、有机无机肥料、复合肥、各种专用肥料、BB配方肥料、缓控释肥料和新型缓控释硫基涂膜尿素。合作条件优惠,合作方式可灵活多样。 营业热照编号:410527100000589组织机构代码:78623062-4进出口许可证:4105960275生产许可证:XK13-001-00609税务登记证:豫国字内:410527786230624 复混肥料4个正式肥料登记证:豫农肥(2008)准字001号 40%含量豫农肥(2008)准字002号 45%含量豫农肥(2008)准字003号 50%含量豫农肥(2008)准字001号 57%含量 有机-无机复混肥4个正工肥料登记证:豫农肥(2008)准字005号 NPK15%、有机质20%豫农肥(2008)准字006号 NPK18%、有机质20%豫农肥(2008)准字007号 NPK25%、有机质20%豫农肥(2008)准字008号 NPK30%、有机质20% 有机肥料2个临时肥料登记证:豫农肥(2008)临字284号 NPK5%、有机质30%豫农肥(2008)临字285号 NPK8%、有机质30%更多资质证书请登录我公司商务网站查询:http://www.yuzhongao.cn/athena/certify/yufufeiliao.html 关于我公司的生态复混肥料:产品的养份含量说明:凡产品中有确切含量的养份,均在产品编号中标明,产品编号的含义为:YZA为我公司字号“誉中奥”三个字汉语拼音的第一个字母,代表此产品由我公司生产,YZA后的以“—”分隔的三组数字分别表示氮、磷、钾三大元素的在产品中所占的百分比含量。三组数字之后以“+”连接的是其他元素养份在产品中所占的百分比含量。(如YJZ表示有机质,S表示硫, Ca钙, Mg镁,Fe铁, Mn锰, B硼, Zn锌, Cu铜, Mo钼 )。故产品的具体养含量可以直接从产品编号中得知,为确保品质,通常我公司产品的实际养份含量会高于所标识的含量。还有一些微量元素因其所含的比例较小,故没有直接标识,但其是客观存在,对提升复混肥料的品质却有很大的益处。 相关技术参数:由于本系列产品执行GB15063-2001标准,根据该标准的要求,在养份含量满足编号中所标明的之外,其他参数为:水份: 合格标准值≤2.0-5.0% 我公司产品实际值≤1.3% 合格并且远远优于合格标准值水溶性磷百分比: 合标标准值≥40-70% 我公司产品实标值≥85.2% 合格并且远远优于合格标准值粒度(1.0—4.75mm): 合格标准值≥80% 我公司产品实际值≥95% 合格并且远远优于合格标准值 产品特点:本系列产品优质的氮磷钾原料,科学的制订产品配方,运用先进的生产工艺严格生产而,本公司复合肥料的最大特点是都添加了有机质,使得本公司的复混肥料养份更加全面,更生态环保、更能有效改善土壤结构和作物的品质。1.养分含量高,主要营养元素多。复合肥的状分总量一般比较高,营养元素种类较多,一次施用复合肥,至少同时可供应作物两种以上的主要营养元素。2.副成分少,结构均匀。例如磷酸铵不含任何无用的副成分,其阴、阳离子均为作物吸收的主要营养元素。这种肥料养分分布比较均一,在造成颗粒后与粉状或结晶状的单元肥料相比,结构紧密,养分释放均匀,肥效稳而长。由于副成分少,对土壤不利影响小。3.物理性状好。产品制成颗粒,吸湿性小,不易结块,便于贮存和施用,特别便于机械化施肥。4.节省贮运费用和包装材料。由于复合肥中副成分少,有效成分含量一般比单元肥料高,所以能节省包装及贮存运输费用。例如,每贮运1吨磷酸铵,约等于贮运过磷酸钙及硫酸铵共4吨。5、与有机肥配施,能增加养分的协同效应,作物增产效果极其显著。6、可添加中微量稀土元素、促长抗病因子、土壤调理剂,肥料控释增效剂、抗重茬剂。7、使用说明 本品可底施、追施、冲施,亩用量40-60公斤,高产田经济作物可按目标产量加量施用;配合其它肥料使用可提高肥料利用率,效果更佳。8、本系列复混肥料,适合所有的作物9、本公司系列复混肥料在通过农业部规定相关认证之基础上,另行通过了ISO9001国际质量体系认证。 The nutrient content of the product: Where the products have the exact content of nutrients, both in the number of products marked with product code for meaning: YZA for my name's "reputation and Austria," the first three words of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, on behalf of the product from the production company , YZA after the "-" to separate the three groups said the figures were N, P and K in the three major elements of the product as a percentage of the content. Three sets of figures after the "+" is connected to other elements of nutrients in the product as a percentage of the content. (YJZ such as the organic matter that, S said that the sulfur, Ca Ca, Mg Mg, Fe Fe, Mn manganese, B-B, Zn Zn, Cu Cu, Mo Mo). Product support Therefore, the specific content directly from the number of products that, in order to ensure the quality of our products is usually the actual content of nutrients to be higher than the content of the logo. There are also trace elements contained in the proportion of its smaller, so there is no direct identification, but it is an objective, to enhance the quality of fertilizer have a lot of benefits. Technology-related parameters: Since the implementation of the series GB15063-2001 standard, according to the standards in the content of nutrients to meet the mark in the number of other parameters are as follows: Moisture: The eligibility criteria value ≤ 2.0-5.0% the actual value of the products I ≤ 1.3% qualified and qualified much better than the standard value The percentage of water-soluble phosphorus: combined value of the award criteria ≥ 40-70% our product is the value of S ≥ 85.2% qualified and qualified much better than the standard value Size (1.0-4.75mm): eligibility criteria ≥ 80% value of our products, the actual value ≥ 95% qualified and qualified much better than the standard value Features: This series of high-quality products, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium raw materials, scientific formula to develop products using advanced production technology from strict production. 1. High nutrient content, the main nutrient elements and more. The total amount of fertilizer-general at a higher, more types of nutrients, the first application of fertilizer, at least at the same time the supply of two or more major crop nutrients. 2. Element of the Deputy less homogeneous structure. For example, ammonium does not contain any element of the Deputy useless, the anions and cations are the main crops to absorb nutrients. This relatively homogeneous distribution of fertilizer nutrients in the resulting particles or crystalline powder with the fertilizer unit, structure, the release of nutrients uniform, stable and long-fertilizer efficiency. As the composition of the Deputy less adverse effects on soil small. 3. Good physical properties. Products made of particles, moisture absorption small, easy-caking, easy storage and use, in particular, to facilitate the application of mechanization. 4. To save the cost of storage and transportation and packaging materials. As the vice component in fertilizer less active ingredient than the general content of the high fertilizer unit, they are able to save the cost of packing and storage transport. For example, every 1 ton of ammonium storage and transportation, storage and transportation of about equal to SSP and a total of 4 tons of ammonium sulfate. 5, with organic fertilizers and nutrients can increase the synergy effect of crop production is extremely significant. 6, can be added TRACE rare earth elements, the cultivation of disease-resistant factor, soil conditioner, controlled-release fertilizer synergist, anti-cropping agent. 7, for use at the end of Benpin Ke Shi, nitrogen, Shi Chong, the amount of acres of 40-60 kg, high-yield field goal output of cash crops can be applied to increase the volume; other with the use of fertilizer can increase the utilization rate of fertilizers, better results. 8, the series of fertilizer for all crops 9, the family's compound fertilizer in the Ministry of Agriculture, through the relevant provisions of the certification based on the further adoption of ISO9001 international quality system certification. 由于公司产品众多,无法一一列举,热忱欢迎到我公司实地考察,洽谈经销代理合作事宜。我公司作为一家高起点的专业生态肥料生产商,立足于专注服务三农建设理念,以做肥料就是做良心的态度来在每一个环节保证产品的高品质,我们可负责任的承诺我们的品质,特别是敢以百分之百的良心和品质来保障广大面朝黄土背朝天的农民朋友的切身利益。 现代企业的竞争不仅只是产品和服务的竞争,更是成长战略的竞争,是合理化综合要素整合程度的竞争。为进一步提高公司的未来综合竞争力,实施公司的大营销、大市场、大服务的“蓝海共赢战略”,提出“共同的誉中奥、共同的大平台”的共赢发展战略。共同在誉中奥公司搭建的这个大平台来孕育财富,实现“富已、富家、富友、富民、富天下”的财富成长目标。 为之则易,不为则难,每个行业天天都在不断的创造奇迹,誉中公司也不例外,以敢为天下先的态度,勇而为之,同时希望广大的朋友与誉中奥一道在创造价值的过程中勇而为之。 营业热照编号:410527100000589组织机构代码:78623062-4进出口许可证:4105960275生产许可证:XK13-001-00609税务登记证:豫国字内:410527786230624更多资质证书请登录我公司商务网站查询:http://www.yuzhongao.cn/athena/certify/yufufeiliao.html
  • 公司名称:河南誉中奥农业科技有限公司
  • 联 系 人:刘成用
  • 联系电话:-86-371-60967331
  • 手机:shouji
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  • 邮政编码:450000
  • 地    址:中国河南郑州市京广南路53号
  • 公司网址:http://yufufeiliao.cn.aliba